Welcome! You can call me Jun. I am a digital artist since 2016 and Live2D professional since 2019.
Embrace beauty emerging from a few brushstrokes.
For commissions, please visit my pages
and contact me through Twitter, E-mail or Discord (junjieoyan).


Commission Information

Please read my terms of service before making a commission.
All prices are in USD.
Please discuss with me if you would like express delivery.

Art Style

Base Price/ArtstyleChibiSolidEpic
Illustration (Non-Live2D) Price49$99$139$
Live2D Illustration Price109$239$339$
  • Includes .PNG, .JPG, .PSD files for both Live2D and Non-Live2D works

  • For designing a new character, base prices +50%

  • For NSFW, base prices are doubled



Simplifies the shadows and lights with the use of hard borders and low variations in color. It is effective enough to improve the vibrancy of the base color and gives the piece an overall simple but dazzling view.


Wiz from Konosuba

Details are improved in all areas of the painting with the use of soft and hard shading and ambient lights. Overall, it gives a highly vibrant and stylish look to the piece.

Live2D Rigging Packages

For Vtuber rigs and animated paintings.
To check my sample works, please visit my Gallery

Eye/Brows Movements✔✔✔
Mouth Movement9-point tracking25-point tracking + Vbridger25-point tracking + Vbridger
Head Turn (AngleXY)✔✔✔
Head Tilt (AngleZ)✔✔✔
Body Turn (AngleXY)✔✔✔
Body Tilt (AngleZ)✔✔✔
Body Lean*✖✖✔
Leg and Hip MovementSimple crouchSimple crouch + Hip SwaySimple crouch + Hip Sway
Arm and Hand MovementUpper ArmFull ArmFull Arm + Hand Tracking
Expressions and Animations268

*Leans forwards or backwards towards the viewer
** Only applies to Chibi Artstyle

  • Includes .cmo3, .moc3, .json files available for face-tracking and live2d software.

  • Includes video updates and a rig optimized for VtubeStudio.

  • For ANIMATED PAINTINGS, price starts at 200$.

Upgrades and Addons

Illustration (Non-Live2D) Addons

Extra Item/ArtstyleChibiSolidEpic
Extra characterN/A53$+95$+
Complex BGN/A53$+95$+

Live2D Rigging Addons

Extra Item/ArtstyleChibiSolidEpic
Extra hairstyle20$+50$+100$+
Extra outfit50$+80$+130$+
Extra Expressions9$+15$+25$+
Vbridger Mouth50$+80$+80$+
Hand Tracking100$+100$+100$+
**Experimental rigging50$+80$+80$+

*For existing images that require separating its pieces for Live2D rigging
**Experimental rigging includes 1 feature outside the scope of the packages; i.e. fire effects, magic circles, and other extra fx.


Terms of Service

By commissioning me (the artist), you (the client) agree to the following:

Client's Rights and Obligations

  • Keep the right to stream and monetize content featuring the commissioned work by the artist.

  • Keep the right to request minor changes in the design, such as the eyes, small artefacts and color, during the commission progress.

  • Has the right to cancel a slot reservation with no charge.

  • Has the right to cancel the commission with partial refund.

  • Is not allowed to redistribute and sell the artist's works unless negotiated.

Artist's Rights and Obligations

  • Keep the right to post the commissions' progress in social media, unless discussed with the client otherwise.

  • Keep the right to post commission works for advertising purposes in social media, as long as mentions are given to the client and artists involved.

  • Have the right to turn down any commission request before confirmation.

  • Is not allowed to resell the commissioned works in any medium.

  • Have the obligation to keep confidentiality and privacy of the client's personal information.

Payment and Refunds Policy

  • All payments are done via Paypal invoice.

  • Commissions must be partially (minimum 50%) or fully paid upfront before the artist starts the commission.

  • For partially paid commissions, the commission must be paid fully before the finalization of the work.

  • After cancellation, the client is entitled to a refund with a maximum of 50% of the original total price, depending on the agreement with the artist and the progress of the work.

  • Refunds are not applicable to completed commissions.



Thank you for visiting my website!
For any doubts or request, please contact me through this message,
Twitter, Email or Discord below.
